Home Buying Process: How to Prepare For The Biggest Investment of Your Life

If you’re like most Americans, the investments you make into real estate will be the largest investment of your life. Finding your dream home and saving enough to get the keys to that dream home can seem next to impossible, especially when there are so many ways to make a mistake along the way.

Unfortunately, there’s also a ton of misinformation, or just plain scam artists, out there who are waiting to rip off consumers. There’s also a ton of headlines out there that talk about how scary, tough, and expensive, the market is with higher interest rates. Not to mention, even after you secure a mortgage you still might have challenges!

So let me be perfectly clear with you. Rates are going up, which is yet another sign that the economy is getting better, and you have to be as prepared as possible to buy your home. We encourage our clients to shop around for a mortgage, because we’re confident that they’ll come back to us! And even in a market with rising rates, even though we’re still at historic lows for interest rates, there is still a lot you can do to secure the best possible financing!

  1. Call Us First: We offer a free consultation to every single person that calls us because if you’re more educated on your complete financial picture, any future transaction will have less challenges. We’ll also help you with any specific questions related to your situation, ease any concerns you might have about the process, and look at your entire financial picture to figure out the best way to help.
  2. Trust the Process: Follow the plan we discuss, and ask us if stories you read online are accurate. If you have any specific hurdles in front of you, such as credit challenges, we’ll connect you with Gary Novel, the credit-enhancement expert, to make sure your credit doesn’t hold you back from getting the home you want.
  3. Get Approved: Pre-approvals are worthless, and pre-qualification letters are even more worthless. That’s why on every possible transaction, Team Hochberg gets our clients fully approved to buy their next home, prior to looking at homes with a realtor. Our dedicated, in-house, underwriters approve your loan subject to the parameters you’ll have set up for your home search. Unless you have an income or credit challenge, or if the property has title or appraisal issues, we can close within 14 business days from the time you sign a contract.
  4. Secure the best financing available: Once you’ve found your home, we’ll be able to lock your interest rate at the lowest rates possible because you’ll already be approved so we won’t need much time. At that point we’ll go over whether or not it makes sense for you to pay for points, and we’ll make sure you understand every line item of your closing costs.
  5. Close on your dream home: Whether you’re finally making your real estate dream a reality, or if you’re finally turning your nightmare mortgage into something more manageable, my team can help! There’s lots of good news out there, and expert advice is available no matter how specific your question is, but we can’t help if you don’t call!

Call 855-563-2843 or visit the home page to work with Team Hochberg Today!