Student Loans and What Nobody Tells You about Buying Your First Home

If you’ve decided you’re ready to buy a home, there’s a lot that you need to know! You might have concerns about your credit, or your student loan debt, or even the down payment! No matter what your concerns are, you need to make sure you’re talking to someone who actually wants to help you.…

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Three Financial Missteps and How You Can Avoid Them

Pay Your Bills… On Time! This first step may seem obvious, but one late payment could result in a 20-100 point drop in your credit score! That means that by having one 30 day late payment could result in an extra $50 a month on an average mortgage payment. Paying your bills on time is…

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America’s Credit Cards: Avoidable Mistakes and Over 100 Billion in Interest

New research shows that the amount of money that U.S. consumers shell out yearly in credit cards fees and interest has passed the $100 billion mark. As the economy continues to improve, more and more people are using credit cards, if they can qualify. Despite this massive problem, people still know shockingly little about their…

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Credit: Get Your Best Score Quickly!

Americans love debt. We always have and therefore our expectations for what is “normal” debt have continued to grow. As a result, more and more people are looking at massive debts with incredibly high interest rates, and if that’s you, keep reading! Credit card companies and those who profit from others’ debt have intentionally made…

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Real Estate Today: Four Things You Should Know

Every so often it’s important to take a look at the real estate market to look for the best tips and practices. Today’s market is constantly changing, but there’s a few key points that you can keep in mind if you are looking for your first home, your fiftieth home, or looking to refinance your…

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Reverse Mortgage Loans and Retirement: What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever heard me talk about reverse mortgage loans, you’ve heard me advocate for this misunderstood and misrepresented loan product. To reiterate, these loans were used by scam artists to take advantage of experienced homeowners, but that doesn’t make them bad loans. A reverse mortgage loan can be a great option for many people,…

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My First Time: How to Know When You’re Ready to Buy a Home

They say you never forget your first time, and I agree. You never forget the first time you buy a home. What did you think I was talking about? Today’s real estate market is constantly changing, and to enter into this market can seem immediately overwhelming. Having said that, half of millennials attend to enter…

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2018 Chicago Pride Parade

Team Hochberg was honored to take part in the Chicago Pride Parade! Thanks to our partners at WCPT Radio and to our co-workers at Homeside Financial, LLC.! To close out my WLS Radio Show, Home Sweet Home Chicago, I responded to a caller who questioned why my team would participate in the Pride Parade and…

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